Quantum Hologram Matrix

Hypnotherapist,Speaker, E.T. Researcher Laurie McDonald



Laurie McDonald is a graduate of Dale Carnegie Effective Speaking and Human Relations, and a graduate of Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Sacramento. She has also assisted in teaching for the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of New Mexico. She is a member of Sacramento Hypnosis and Sacramento Institute of Noetic Sciences, A.C.H.E (American Council of Hypnotist Examiners) and has been a certified clinical hypnotherapist since 1995.Her practice is based on the belief that hypnosis is a powerful tool in dealing with a variety of human issues such as anger control, weight reduction, smoking cessation, stress management, and addictions. McDonald offers techniques to teach the subconscious mind to maintain a positive focus and diminish mental images of fear-producing events.https://www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com/Music By Spaceboy at http://www.spaceboymusic.com