Radio Radio interviews Sharon Lechter



Tuesday, April 21, 200911:00 – 12:00 pacific (12/mountain; 1/central; 2/eastern)“Ignite the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Child”Our Guest: Sharon LechterDo you ever feel like you have ATM tattooed across your forehead? You are not alone. Sharon Lechter has created a new initiative called YOUTHpreneur which provides parents with the tools they need to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in their children. Sharon is the co-author of the international best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad and 15 books in the Rich Dad series.  On April 28th, Sharon and I will be talking about her six week program (a perfect summer activity) that allows you to give your child the gift of a lifetime….financial education! Sharon has created a special offer for Please visit for more information.