Caregiver Talk Live With Kim Shea

Sibling Rivalry doesn't play nicely with caregivers



Let's talk about Sibling Rivalry. It isn't just for small children. Sibling rivalry can rear it's ugly head when the time comes to provide caregiving for Mom and Dad.Are you frustrated because the bulk of the caregiving falls on your shoulders?Are you irritated because you caregiving sibling acts like a martyr?Are you at a loss for how you can contribute to care when you live so far away?Do you and your sibling(s) disagree about end of life decisions?Let's talk about these issues to see if we can mend some sibling rivalry rifts or see the problems from a different perspective. Kim Shea is an experienced caregiver. She has worked in a nursing home and seen how adult children handle matters involving their parents' care. Kim has two brothers and four children of her own so she's well versed in the topic.