Where Diamonds Meet

Command Your Brand by Leveraging LinkedIn



Don't miss out on opportunities to expand your brand by using LinkedIn more strategically.Guest: JD Gershbein, The LinkedIn Catalysthttp://www.owlishcommunications.com/Just about every professional is "on" LinkedIn. Yet most of us haven't learned to fully leverage the site to expand our brand and advance our business goals.Drawing upon his extensive background in neuroscience, psychology, marketing communications, sales, broadcast journalism, public speaking, and improvisational comedy, JD Gershbein is blazing a trail as one of the most original personalities in social media.Since the moment he discovered LinkedIn, he has dedicated his life to helping others realize its immense potential. As social media became the vogue, JD transitioned away from his traditional marketing communications practice and established a consultancy focused on LinkedIn profile writing and the teaching of LinkedIn best practices. The word on JD spread quickly, and he soon became an in-demand speaker at conferences, trade shows, sales