Where Diamonds Meet

Why Your Sales Suck...Hint its not only your sales force



Guest: JR Sampleshttp://www.salesbaseline.comExecutives and sales leaders are under constant pressure to hit the numbers. This pressure often creates knee jerk reactions. The first inclination is to look no further than seeking performance of the sales team. They've just got to do better! This may be true, but what about the overall health of the sales organization?   And how is the alignment in your organization between various stakeholders?Most sales leaders have experienced a moment of frustration, shortly after a meeting, closed their door and asked, "What are they thinking?" As obvious as this question appears, it often isn't asked, and if it is, the stakeholder gives the answer she thinks the executive wants to hear.In this episode, JR Samples will discuss why alignment is important and discuss how you can establish a baseline as a foundation for sustainable growth.J.R. Samples, Founder of Sales Baseline and Chief Encouragement Officer at Accountability Partners, has an enviable three decades of experie