| Food, Wine & Art Theme Based Travel - Host Bruce Oliver

Bruce Oliver talks CUBA on Lou in the Morning WPFL FM Radio Pensacola FL



Lou is currently Host of "Lou in the Morning" a guest driven radio talk show on WPFl.105.1 FM. Bruce Oliver talks about his trip to Cuba and how the average person can travel legally to Cuba during this broadcast.Cuba Bound on a "People to People" cruise from the United States. During my first trip to Cuba I'll be traveling to the ports of Havana, Cienfuegos, and Santiago de Cuba and the surrounding areas from July 23-31, 2016. During this licensed cruise itinerary I'll interact with the musicians, artists, businesses, and families who make up the community of Cuba. Through me your readers will engage with the Cuban people, experience the sights and sounds of Cuba's beautiful country: the Spanish and French colonial architecture, American classic cars, traditional Cuban music and dance, the coastal fortresses and tall cathedrals, and the cannons on San Juan Hill. In essence I'll be searching for the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of Cuba.The purpose of this trip is to do research on U.S. travel to Cuba.