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How to Heal Ourselves of Cancer with Integral Healing



Lynne Feldman is a New Jersey-based educator, lawyer, chaplain, and cancer survivor. Her new book, Integral Healing, tells the story of how she integrated traditional, alternative, and complementary medicine to heal herself of the disease.As a practicing lawyer since 1986, Feldman represented cases from murder to arguments before the state supreme court. As a high school teacher for over 20 years, she was honored by the White House and the governor. Feldman currently serves as a clinically trained chaplain, helping people to cope with serious illness. Lynne Feldman, MA, JD, is a New Jersey lawyer, educator, and chaplain. Her new book tells the story of her recovery from two forms of life-threatening cancer, and outlines her unique integral approach to healing. Feldman currently serves as a clinically trained chaplain, helping people to cope with serious illness. Click tolearn more and get your FREE gift.