Persuasion With Erin Straza And Hannah Anderson

Episode 189 | Finally Home



If the meaning and purpose of home wasn’t top of mind before our Go Home! series began, it certainly is now. Of course, most of that credit belongs to the worldwide spread of COVID-19. Government leaders around the world have recently initiated Shelter in Place and Safer at Home policies to flatten the coronavirus curve. And suddenly, going home—and staying there—has become THE issue of our day, regardless of your gender, religious camp, or philosophical stance. In this episode of Persuasion, Erin Straza and Hannah Anderson wrap up their series titled Go Home! Finding Our Way. Each episode of the series explored the common assumptions regarding the home, both in the church and in society. This particular conversation is the series finale, giving Erin and Hannah the chance to tie together various threads from the series and their guests. Of course, the main discussion point is how the coronavirus pandemic has revealed unhealthy imbalances in how home and marketplace operate. Now that the economy is taking a h