Welfare Momma

171: 3 Money Mistakes Business Owners Make



Welcome to episode 171 of Profit Boss® Radio! In this episode, we’re talking to you business owners about how you can reap the rewards of your blood, sweat, and tears.  I see so many entrepreneurs attempt to successfully manage their money in business to the detriment of their personal net worth and financial future. It’s very easy to have millions of dollars in revenue slip through your fingers when you fail to capture it, make it yours, and put it in your name.  So, are you ready to make a plan to get what you want, take back your power when it comes to money, and figure out the difference between wanting and achieving financial success? If so, today’s episode of Profit Boss® Radio is for you!  PS: After you listen to today’s episode, I want you to go check out my free, on-demand video training. In it, I expand further on how you as a business owner can make more of your money and why I want you to consider my Wealth Multiplier Course. Simply visit HilaryHendershott.com/Wealth to find out more. Here’s what