Lead With Love

Letting Go of Control for Conscious Leadership: Lyssa Adkins



“She was one of the best, but it was still awful.”Lyssa Adkins shares her pain as a plan-driven project manager for 15 years. The drive and internal pressure she felt to meet a major deadline overrode her ability to see and treat staff as human beings. Putting her stress onto team members is one regret that she still wishes she could apologize for.Lyssa’s shift into honouring people first began as different mentors helped her gain awareness. In time she discovered that by letting go of what she wanted, she was able to receive and achieve something even better.Our conversation on Lead With Love explores letting go of control, navigating difficult conversations, and the power of serendipity. You’ll also hear what her heart pulls her to help with next… climate change. Lyssa's journey from controlling project manager to conscious leadership will inspire and invite you to walk your own path of transformation. Connect with Lyssa at www.AgileCoachingInstitute.com.Lyssa Adkins is President Emerita of the Agile Coachi