
Interview with NightStalkers Paranormal Team



Good Evening folks, with the Forest Moon Paranormal Team re-forming as a physical team vs. astral emergency response, we are forming alliances with other viable teams across the globe. In order to be a part of this alliance there are many ethical situations that must be met and they must come on S-4 Paranormal Radio as a meet-the-team show. This week we will be talking with Barry Gaunt’s Team, Night Stalkers Paranormal which as with any team we consider a paranormal team, covers all aspects from Cryptids to UFO’s to Hauntings. Tune in Sunday night, January 10th at 7PM PST to meet the team.Now, if you have a team you wish to bring into our alliance get ahold of myself or Cole Wegleitner to set up an interview prior to setting up a show time. Forest Moon Paranormal can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/forestmoonparanormaland you can go Like our Page at https://www.facebook.com/Forest-Moon-Paranormal...Make sure you join us every Sunday at www.s-4radio.com or www.spreaker.com/show/s-4 at 7 PM PST to 1