10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Position Yourself as a Pro Worth Knowing on Social Media



Spend more than five minutes on the social media channel of your choice and you’ll find no shortage of experts clamoring for attention and boasting the secret formula to creating immediate celebrity status. This type of marketing is attractive to new entrepreneurs, who may not know any better, and certainly appeals to those looking for short cuts. Think about it, who wouldn’t want to attain instant name recognition and fast track success? The reality is there isn’t a short cut. It takes effort. Rather than wasting time trying to rout out magic pills, focus your attention on tried-and-true formulas for getting people to become interested in you. This episode provides clear and effective ways for you to position yourself as a pro worth knowing on social media.  [10-Minute Challenge] Apply at least one of these tips in your online activity today.  *** Like what you hear and want more free coaching tools? Go to: www.RichPerry.com