Horse Wise

Alicia Landman on the best things you can do for your horse (and yourself).



Alicia Landman has devoted her life to the study and dedicated practice of horsemanship. I’ve been inspired by her work for years — and I especially admire her willingness to always evolve as a horsewoman and teacher. In this episode (#54), we discuss the importance of embracing the basics — and how fun it is to discover new nuances in those basics each year. Alicia also shares her decision to take a sabbatical from teaching for a month — so she can focus on her young horses and on developing her skills even further. Please check out Alicia’s work at At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a practical, straightforward way). If you’d like more information on mindset practices, audio coaching or general Horse Services, please visit our website for more informa