Theposhgirlsclub : Dropping Gems

Take Time To Create More Time



Do you start your year off with so much energy, feeling like this is the year you're going to freaking CRUSH it?  There's a 'high' sensation that hits mid November, as you prepare for all the possibilities in the coming year. But have you ever heard of Blue Monday? It's a time in January where people often feel depressed, lost, and overwhelming sadness because the regular routine hits... And before you know it, you're right back in the same patterns. This year, let's do it differently. Let's create a real space for you to get clarity on your brand, your goals, capabilities + strengths...Think about how you can be most effective and where you can use help from others. Lots of people talk about creating a plan and implementing changes in their lives...and just about 30% of those actually do. Let's talk about it!