Success Profiles Radio

John Mitchell Discusses The 12 Minute A Day Technique That Took Him From A Low Six-Figure Income To Over $5 Million A Year



John Mitchell was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is the author of the book "Think It, Be It", and his 12 minute a day "Think It, Be It" technique is recognized today as the "Top Practical Application in the World" of the book "Think And Grow Rich". We discussed what his 12 minute a day technique is and how it works, not only with career and financial goals, but with relationship goals and anything else you might want in life. In particular, we discussed how he took his income from low six figures to over $5 million a year. We also discussed the biggest mistakes people make as they try to get to seven figure incomes, focusing only on what moves the needle in business, the great differentiator between moderately successful and mega-successful people, and the importance of mind mastery and gratitude. We discussed so much more on the show. You can subscribe to Success Profiles Radio on iTunes, and you can also listen to any previous episode at