Success Profiles Radio

How To Raise Money for Your Business, Your Cause, Or Your Passion Through Crowdfunding



Crowdfunding expert Jason Nast was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. We talked about how he got his start in the entertainment and music industries, as he owned a film studio and was involved in videos and commercials. His most recognizable project during that time was his involvement with Art Linkletter and the Craftmatic Adjustable Bed. We discussed how one can meet high profile people who may be helpful connections. Jason talked about meeting people where they go and finding people your high profile connections know as a great starting point. We also talked about how crowdfunding works, how much money people can expect to raise, and how long it takes. In particular, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of 3 of Jason's favorite crowdfunding sites: Kickstart, indiegogo, and Gofundme. We also discussed how one knows if their project is viable for a crowdfunding campaign, and whether or not you need to have something tangible ready at the start of your project. The show also featured sev