The Gender Knot

Fearing ambitious women



In season 2 we explored why we’re scared of ambitious women, and talked to our co-producer Sam and a teacher about the roots of this problem. It was an episode which really resonated with so many women who listen to this show and a dilemma we just had to revisit. Mark Pagan has talked about his mixed attitudes to dating ambitious women on his own podcast Other Men Need Help. Mark finds ambitious women attractive but is also threatened by them, this being a dynamic which isn’t all that rare, and one we delve into more with him, trying to figure out the personal and wider social reasons behind this paradox.Guest:Mark Pagan, host of the podcast Other Men Need Help and producer:Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host:Jonathan FreemanCo-producers:Sam Baker and Jonathan Blackwell Related links:The Gender Knot t-shirts are now available hereOther Men Need Help’s episode Manual Men Men Need Help are looking for stories for