The Gender Knot

Men and feminism



Should men be involved in feminism, and if so, how?Men are super involved in feminism these days – and there appears to be a cultural trend in getting men involved in the fight for gender equality.We’re seeing this daily: be it the UN’s HeForShe campaign which is all about this, or male celebrities like Pharrell Williams and Ashton Kutcher talking about rights for women (and of course, tennis player Andy Murray’s recent stand against casual sexism), and it seems like everyday there are articles in the world’s leading publications about all this too (a recent hit being the New York Times looking at how to raise feminist sons). It makes sense; men also need to change their attitudes and biases if we are to live in a world with gender equality, so of course they need to be part of the fight.But what about when some men mean well but end up doing more harm than good? This episode explores that.We look at male feminists – do they actually help the cause of feminism, or do they end up making everything about them,