Hope's Not A Crime /shellie Nichol

The Importance of SEX in a Marriage: Shannon Ethridge



As I prepared to record this show I sat back and thought "oh my goodness are you really doing this". YES I AM!! God put this on my heart a long time ago, I have been searching and searching for the right person to speak on this subject. Then BAM along came Shannon Ethridge, she is not afraid of talking about such taboo subjects and as a matter of fact spends her life improving intimacy with married couples. When I say you don't want to miss this episode, I really mean it. Do I share too much information, oh I am sure I do....but you know what God put me up to it. Tune in, drink in the information and if you are married....after the show Go make love to your spouse, it truly does make God happy. And yes I really just said that!To orer any of Shannon's Books please click on the link.shannonethridge.com