Zaiyah's House

Why College Students Will Always be Broke



An excerpt from Campus Grotto The inside source at College students have a lot of different stereotypes. One of the main stereotypes college students often get, and perhaps one that couldn’t be truer, is that college students are broke, frugal beings always looking for a bargain. This can be seen in the referring of ramen noodles as the de facto diet of a college student.College prepares us for the real world, and surviving without money is almost a life test in itself as a college student. The fact that many students are broke makes them scavengers in their own way, hopping at any opportunity to get free stuff. This is why you used to see so many on-campus kiosks giving away free swag at the expense of filling out a student credit card application; a credit card that is more likely to harm the student, rather than help.So, it seems, the typical college student, who eats ramen noodles, drinks PBR, and illegally downloads music, will