Flav's House

Morning Coffee with Flava on Flava's Lounge Radio Vol.1



Good Morning and Welcome to Morning Coffee with Flava...feel free to join me on the air in conversation or sit back and get used to my flava as I share my thoughts along with great indie music from near and far.Welcome to Flava's Lounge Radio. If you like what you experience here, please help me spread the word.  If you are an indie artist with original music, feel free to connect with me.Website: http://flavaslounge.comEmail: flavaslounge@gmail.comAll Genres Welcome To Submit! Radio Friendly ??-Artist Name:-Location:-Genre:-Quality recorded MP3's-EPK or Artist Bio-Links to learn more about you and where your music can be found.Send to: flavaslounge@gmail.comSubject Line: radio submissionLady Flava ♥?Flava Coffee House News Network (FCH206Radio) Supporting Indie Music and Indie Art on the radio Since 2009 on BlogTalkRadio.