Oh Hey, Gays!




You can’t deny that fashion and style have always played a large part in the queer community. Oppression and forced secrecy in the face of homophobic communities has meant that queer people have always had to know how to read clothing more carefully. I've always loved those stories about identifying gay men by wearing a red tie between 1920 and 1950 to wearing shoe laces instead of shoe buckles in 18th century Paris, but it’s more than just whimsical tales. Queer fashion has been used to express sexual orientation to like-minded peers in eras where your life could have been at risk if you got it wrong. ​ In this episode, I’m going to take a look at LGBTIQ style and the impact the queer community has had on fashion and how we’re still fighting for the right to express our gender and preferences on the street and especially in the workplace.