Oh Hey, Gays!

Gays on film



Gays! On film! Shut up and take my money! I want to see them all and I want to see them all the time! How great does it feel when you hear there's a movie coming out that focuses on gay people?! My heart soars. Or even better - when you don't realise there are going to be gay characters and you're totally taken off guard (hello, Atomic Blonde).  ​ It's no secret that my favourite gay film is Carol (at last count I'd watched it 47 times) but there are more and more gay-centric films being released now that I feel a bit spoilt for choice.  ​ In this episode we talk gays on film - favourite movies, favourite moments, gays on the small screen (yes, Xena) and anything else we can fit into 30 minutes.  ​ Also, please enjoy my Carol collage.