Six Degrees

Six Degrees fit soul and body with Brant Secunda and Mark Allen



“Fitness” needs a makeover. It’s not about the size of your muscles, how fast you can run, or how much you weigh. There are plenty of physically fit people who are unhappy, eternally pessimistic, and drained of spirit. True fitness starts with emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Secunda spent 12 years living among the exceptionally healthy and happy Huichol people of Mexico, apprenticing with their legendary shaman. From them, he learned what scientists are just now confirming: that disconnection with our outer environment can make us sick -- and connection with nature can heal us. Now he and Allen, a 6-time world Ironman champion, show others how to draw strength, focus, and energy from nature -- and use their techniques to transform negative emotions that deplete health and energy. Secunda and Allen can share 7 ways to boost your mood by connecting to nature, and can discuss: Why people who live close to nature suffer from less depression. How to transform loneliness, depression, and anger using nature-bas