Fortune Unfiltered With Aaron Task

Anthony Scaramucci, Founder of SkyBridge Capital



Anthony Scaramucci is a very busy man. He’s the founder of SkyBridge Capital, an investment firm with $12.1 billion in assets, host of the SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas, co-host of Wall Street Week on Fox Business, an active philanthropist and the author of Hopping Over the Rabbit Hole: How Entrepreneurs Turn Failure into Success. And if that weren’t enough, he's also on Donald Trump's economic policy council and finance committee. In this episode of Fortune Unfiltered, Scaramucci explains how he overcame his initial skepticism about Trump's campaign—like many Republicans he initially didn't take Trump's candidacy seriously—and why he believes the GOP candidate's economic policies are best for America. Scaramucci embodies the American dream - he grew up in a traditional Italian working-class family and recalls watching his father, a construction worker, got to work every day at 4:30 a.m. "Let me ask people who are saying I'm a relentless self-promoter: How was I going to get here folks?"