Jumpstart Your Business Now With Katrina Sawa

JumpStart Your Business NOW! with Katrina Sawa



We’re half way through this year and if you’re not half way through to your goals in revenue or otherwise for your business then you definitely want to listen in this week as Katrina Sawa shares how to Jumpstart Your Business Fast!On this episode, Katrina will share how to look at your business from the big picture and big vision of what you want to create and where you want to be all the way down to the nitty gritty details of HOW to get you there. She will cover things to help you be more productive, get support from others outsourcing tasks you may be weak in plus she shares some key marketing strategies on things you can do for free or low cost to jumpstart your business now.Listen in live or via podcast on iTunes - rate the show there too and leave a comment on the blog at http://katrinasawa.com/blog-2/.