Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Secrets of the Stars: "FitNation's" Gina Lombardi, Plus Mary Tedesco and Howard Bragman Give You Tips



TV personality and exercise guru Gina Lombardi, author of the book Deadline Fitness: Tone Up and Slim Down When Every Minute Counts , joins the Gab With the Gurus Show to share Health & Lifestyle Secrets of the Stars. Gina, who hosts the TV show "FitNation," has helped many stars get -- and stay in shape. She'll share how all of us non-celebrities can use their tried-and-true tactics to slim down in time for a wedding, a class reunion, a big party or even get back to the great shape we once were -- or perhaps reach the desired size of our dreams. Our next guest, fitness trainer Mary Tedesco -- who works with Martha Stewart -- will provide more health secrets. The show concludes with Howard Bragman, founder of the strategic media and public relations agency, Fifteen Minutes, who will share more celebrity health secrets and discuss his new book, Where's My Fifteen Minutes: Get Your Company, Your Cause, or Yourself the Recognition You Deserve.