Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Holiday Message & Announcements About Jan. 6 & 13 Shows & How to Thrive (Don't Just Survive) in 2009



A quick holiday message from Gab With the Gurus host Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C. You'll also learn about exciting radio shows in the new year. Stay tuned for Jan. 6 from 3 to 4 p.m. Eastern when my guest is Dr. Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author, lecturer, practicing physician and author of the fascinating new book, "The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First." You can ask Dr. Hyman questions by calling: (347) 426-3366. Also stay tuned for quick info about the Jan. 13 show which focuses on "Behind the Bedroom Door." And quickly learn about how to Thrive (Don't Just Survive) in 2009 so that you can lose weight, kick sugar and achieve your other New Year's resolutions.