Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Lyme Disease: Get the Truth about One of the Fastest Spreading Disease



Lyme disease: Are you riddled by overpowering fatigue, ferocious headaches, confusion, mood swings, depression, chills, fever, joint aches, swollen glands, etc.? Get the scoop about one of the fastest spreading diseases in the U.S. (more prolific than AIDS) that's caused by tick bites which you may not know you had. Guru guests include: Pamela Weintraub, author of the groundbreaking new book, Cure Unkown; Pat Smith, president of the Lyme Disease Association; Bernard D. Raxlen, M.D.; Steven J. Bock, M.D.; Dr. Qingcai Zhang; author Rebecca Wells (Ya-Ya novels) and Kris Newby, senior producer of the new documentary, “Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease.” If you have any friends or relaties with strrange ailments, please send them this linkl. This person could have Lyme disease.