Talk Your Poly Off

Walk The Walk With Your Self Talk



How Does your internal dialogue sound? Are you happy with the way in which you speak to yourself? They say we are our own worst critic, they say we are our own worst judge, they're right. But what if we could actually flip the script on our inner dialogue and change the way we treat ourselves? How could our life change if we talked to ourselves like we talked to a loved one, a friend, or someone else in need of support? In this episode, Bella and Monsuta dig into the aspects of internal monologue and the effects of how we speak to ourselves in an attempt to understand how the spectrum from negative to positive self talk can affect not just ourselves but also our partners and how we can use self talk to improve various aspects of our life. We referenced Wikipedia when describing Internal Monologue. You can find that page here. This week, we recommend exploring the works of life coaches Brendon Burchard and Bella's "favorite people" Rachel and Dave Hollis. We would like to give honorable mention to Mr. Brad