Talk Your Poly Off

Happy Anniversary!



Bella and Monsuta take the show's anniversary to have a year-end check-in. From our favorite shows to what we've learned and looking forward at what we have in store for 2020! We've had such a roller coaster ride in our first year of bringing Talk Your Poly off to our listeners and we are so glad to have taken the time to do this show! In this episode, we do a year-in-review to reflect on where we've been and take the time to discuss how we've grown because of this poly-podcast journey. We don't just point out favorite episodes, we also show how we've grown as polyamory practitioners thanks to our discussions here so you can see how we are practicing what we're preaching. Thank you all for spending this year with us and we look forward to many more with you and with new friends joining our discussion circle in 2020 and beyond! For additional episodes and content, come join our Patreon! Follow our Facebook page called Polyamory: Get Your Heart On. Find the link to our episode and share your comments about