Talk Your Poly Off

Valentine's Day & Polyamory



Valentine's Day, a day of love. Isn't every day a day full of love when you're polyamorous? Some of us don't like being told by a holiday when we should love someone. Others take the day as an extra special reminder to appreciate those we love. However you look at it we all have to manage our relationships a bit differently when it comes to this time of year. Do you plan in advance to all avoid Feb 14th or do you discuss your expectations at all making sure nobody is let down? We talk about all of this and then some in this weeks episode so tune in! For additional episodes and content, come join our Patreon! Follow our Facebook page called Polyamory: Get Your Heart On. Find the link to our episode and share your comments about the show. Our Instagram is Talk Your Poly Off. For the kinkier polyamorists, cum join our TYPO Kinkster Fetlife Group Also, check out our Twitter, Talk Your Poly Off. We even have a Tumblr. You can also hit up our website and bookmark it so you can watch us as we grow. ;) Finally,