Angst & Daisies

EP 69 It's a Holiday in Cybertown



We finally have reached the end of this unending year, with some light at the end of the tunnel indicating a better, happier, more humane one lies ahead. To celebrate, Steve and Caroline threw their version of a virtual holiday party, and they've invited some of our their favorite past guests to check in and look ahead to the new year. First up, Josh Rubin of Witness at the Border, and Sister Susan [COMPLETE HER INFO] to catch up on the tremendous work they are doing for the migrant and refugee population. Then, it's a boozy chat about Christmas favorites with our friends at Bar Crawl Radio podcast. Caroline knows what she wants to give Trump for Christnmas, and we all predict when we'll feel a sense of normalcy in 2021.Thank you to everyone who has listened and joined us in advocacy this past year. We hope you all have a safe, happy, and better 2021. The fight in Georgia still isn't over - visit to see how you can help us take back the Senate!Please visit Witenss at the Border and Donate or Tak