Angst & Daisies

Angst And Daisies Episode 03



"You're killing my chance to be the Richard Simmons of politics….."Steve tries to get Caroline off the couch but the news is so fast and furious that Caroline cannot go out and resist until she gets some answers about the state of current affairs. So Steve agrees to catch her up on the events of the past week exacting a promise from her that she will rally for next week. Caroline shows she never saw Schoolhouse Rock so they talk about “how a bill becomes a law,” so “is it normal to lock yourself to in a room and only speak to the other people in that room?” and it goes all over the place from there. In the end all politics is local and Caroline’s promised to learn all her elected representatives by next week when they'll get off the couch and take a look at race in America, well in New Jersey anyway…..