Nion Radio With Nick Onken

102 Letting Go



It takes hard work to let things go but I think when we do, we’re a lot better off. Today I’m talking about something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately: letting go. I hate having anger or resentment on my plate, and I’ve been thinking about why that is. I love to feel free, to be present without negative thoughts weighing me down or holding me captive. When I hold onto things, it eats me up and keeps me from making progress in my life and in my art. Why? I think it has to do with creative resonance, and the role that being present plays in that process. You can’t be present and do your best work if you’re holding onto resentment or negativity. Plus if you’re holding onto that negative energy, that’s what you’re putting out into the world and therefore attracting into your life. I don’t know about you, but I would rather attract positive energy, people, and work into my life and business. So today I’m sharing with you three thoughts that have helped me let go of negativity and embrace positivity. The way