Common Sense

Open Space Trust Fund: Another Hit for NJ Taxpayers



New Jerseyans will be asked to vote on an Open Space Trust Fund this Election Day - November 4th.If approved, it will cost voters $150 billion annually to preserve space in NJ and will result in an amendment to our state Constitution.While Open Space is a great concept, 30% of NJ is already preserved, with only 32% of the state developed.Those facts aside, NJ was just voted as the worst state for taxes, residents deal with some of the highest property taxes in the country and we have unfunded pension liabilities.  How much more taxation can the residents of NJ take?  Not much more because NJ also boasts one of the highest rates of residents fleeing the state due to over-taxation.Joining us to discuss the Open Space Trust Fund is Daryn Iwicki, NJ State Director for Americans for                             FacebookThank you to Montville Executive Suites for advertising with Common Sense NJ!