10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

5 Ways to Leverage Podcast Features in Your Marketing Strategy



Over the years, I've seen many entrepreneurs work tirelessly to get featured on podcasts. They do the research, send the pitch, and land the booking. They make the necessary preparations and rock the interview. They even put out a blast on social media to alert their fans to tune in.  Up until this point, they're killing it. They've done everything right. But then they make a critical mistake. This episode reveals what they're doing wrong and what you can do to avoid the same mistakes. Plus, I'll share how you can get the smart advantage by making good use of these simple yet effective tactics in your marketing strategy.  [10-Minute Challenge] Implement at least one of these in your marketing strategy.  *** Like what you hear and want more free coaching tools? Go to:  www.RichPerry.com