Followers Of The Cross

Assumptions Drive Everything You Do



To simply call Dave Richardson Jr.’s new book, “Transparent,” an apologetics book would be an easy way to ignore what is underneath the surface of its powerful new look at why you believe the way you do.Everyone makes assumptions.“Those assumptions are the things that drive us and control us every day,” Richardson told me. “It’s like an autopilot in our head.”I interviewed Richardson during the International Christian Retail Show. He was there to promote his book, “Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You.”He earned a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Portland, a master’s degree in theological studies from the International School of Theology and a MTh. in applied theology from the University of Oxford. He worked with Campus Crusade for Christ (or Cru) for 30 years, spending most of his time with professors.The premise of “Transparent” came about from Richardson’s 20 years’ work with university and college professors, helping them connect fa