Nationalism Course Podcast

Immigration Discussion, Live at Comedy Cellar



Eric Kaufmann is an author, journalist and Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London. Alingon Mitra is a stand up comedian whose credits include Conan, Colbert, and Comedy Central. For 30 years, New York's legendary Comedy Cellar has served as the launching pad for greatest stand up comedians in the world. Colin Quinn, Dave Chappelle, Ray Romano, Dave Attell, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart, Dane Cook, Robert Kelly and Greg Giraldo are just a few of the comedians who began as Cellar regulars. But classic stage performances have never been the only show going on at the Cellar. The biggest comedians in the world come to sit at the table upstairs, where comedians come to argue and discuss the events of the day and their lives, sharpening their their comedy knives on each other. This kibitzing (an inspiration for Comedy Central's Tough Crowd), has always been a private affair... until now.