Reviewed By Russ

Reviewed by Russ | Two Minute Tips



“I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you're not in this world to live up to mine.” Bruce LeeWhy do you care what others think? You might say you don't. However, I think deep down inside we all care a little bit. Why is that? What does it matter if someone we don't know says something hurtful?Even if we don't know them, it still feels rude. That person that left a nasty comment would never say it to your face. Or at least we hope they're not that rude.I've had people that I know say some very toxic things, and I refuse to allow their perception to become my reality. How about you? Tip of the day: Listen in to find out. 30Day#Gratitude #LinkedinFam #LinkedinVideo #LinkedinCreators#Kindnessiscool #Smilesarefree #TwoMinuteTips