Candid Convos With Coach Kerri

Summer Series 2013 Spotlight - Tiphanie Jamison Van Der Lugt



"Coach Kerri’s Summer Series 2013" is all about ULTIMATE transformation and is focused on mind, body, spirit connection and rejuvenation. Radio shows all summer long feature special guests who are living life to the fullest ON purpose. Make sure to tune in & be inspired by their stories! You don’t have to identify as LGBTQ to be inspired by the content in this show. This week's guest: Tiphanie Jamison Van Der Lugt, Esq.As the world's #1 Radical True Self Facilitator in demand, author, speaker and trainer Tiphanie's fun energetic and insightful perspective to life and living invites you to break the personal development rules and move beyond what she wittingly refers to as the "Self-Help Trifecta" into expansive limitless possibilities of Self Expertise.