Bucci Radio

214: Ego Work, Grief, and the Coronavirus Pandemic



Experiencing how you’re showing up in this pandemic is giving every single human the opportunity to do what’s called ego work. I’m going to first define this concept and introduce it to you, provide examples, and move into how we can heal and use it to our advantage.  However you’re showing up is completely okay, but what happens psychologically is this: The pandemic ensued, and every human on the planet began feeling the uncertainty that’s really always there. Uncertainty is essentially the fear of the unknown, fear of dying, fear of the dark, etc. The EGO is a function of the mind that identifies as “I.” I am this, I feel this, I think this, I believe this. It tells stories, runs narratives, and assigns meaning to you, the world, and other people based on its experiences so far. It helps us make sense of things. It also gives us a sense of identity. Having a sense of identity makes us feel like a human, with a purpose. That’s why it likes to keep us in the familiar, predictable, and safe patterns. It protec