Bucci Radio

185: How to Hold a High Frequency Around Money - with Money Queen Amanda Frances



What do you know for sure? Have you ever thought about money as a frequency or energy vibration? This episode is full of ways to reframe your thoughts about money and how to receive more of it. You’ll leave this episode with an entirely different mindset surrounding money and how to move energy around money in your daily life.  Our guest today is the one they call the original Spiritual Boss lady, the Money Queen, the Unrealistic Goal Achiever. She is self-made millionaire Amanda Frances who is best known for holding an incredibly high frequency around money and for teaching people how they can do the same. She is completely in her own lane. There is no one else like her. She's innovative and doing something different. She doesn't just walk the walk, but shows you in her daily life how she uses everything she teaches. Early in this episode, we discuss how she learned how money was a vibration, and how she acts and performs in her most powerful state. Deeper inside this episode, we discuss how she began sellin