Bucci Radio

164: Sales Hacks You Need to Master



Welcome to this episode of Bucci Radio!   I’m getting such good feedback from my past few episodes. These women and people I’ve been bringing on the podcast and the conversations we are having are about the deeper truth and meaning behind why we aren't creating success and why we don't have the results we want yet are so important.  Understanding your femininity, emotions, and conditioning of what you've created for yourself that's limiting you is key. Knowing what to do and executing on it and having that masculine energy and discipline towards your goals and the tactical things are important too. You need both things and this podcast is here to represent what both of those things are. know you are all having the same shift of consciousness as me. A lot of you know I’m going to spiritual psychology school next week, I’m so excited about it. Christine went to it, Alyssa went to it, my best friend Ashley Stahl went to it, my therapist went to it, my previous business manager Selina went to it.  All people I lo