Bucci Radio

159: What Worked and What Didn't Work in My Life and Business in 2018



Today is Christmas! This is also our last episode of 2018. HOLY SHIT where did the year go? I’m feeling so good that it’s the end of the year and I love this time of reflection on everything and being able to sit back and think about what worked, what didn’t work, what I learned, how I grew, and what things made me into the woman I am right now. If I can take a year and grow and experience more and access parts of myself I didn’t know I had then to me that’s a really good year.  I’m happy to be able to be transparent and share all of this with you and I’m so ready for 2019 and to share my intentions with you! IN THIS EPISODE WE LEARN ABOUT:   New updates in Bucci Land! How I’ll be expressing myself in 2019 Setting boundaries Saying no and listening to myself My “spiritual awakening” Learning about who I truly am Creating space for things that serve me Operating from a place of abundance and alignment Tapping into my intuition and feminine side Spending less time working and more time experiencing things Frie