Taran Murray's Rite Good Podcast

Rite Good Podcast #14: Krosst Out & Melotika - Music, Music Business, Social Media, Depression & Anxiety



I had the pleasure of meeting Aaron and Mel whilst in Toronto on my cross-Canada backpacking trip. Fast forward to 2018 and the pair of them are on tour to the East Coast from big ol Trawna. We set up this podcast over the past few months and conversation didn’t disappoint. We talked at length about their background as people and musicians. The ins and outs of the music industry. How social media plays into the business and the burdensome reality of modern day artists wearing all the hats so to speak. From Writing and honing your skill, to recording, producing, promotion, booking agent, PR, management, tour managing, performing, marketing, The modern artist does it all and funds it all. No easy task. The later half of the podcast dipped into broader and deeper subjects like how social media affects the kids of today, addiction counselling, depression and suicide, and pursuing ones dreams. It was really easy to talk to these two and I hope it is just as easy to listen. Don’t miss their Halifax Debut TONIGHT! @