Nourish With Anna

Episode #13 Goodbye Binge Eating!!!



Ready to end nighttime binge eating for good?!?! ( SERIOUSLY)!Does this sound familiar??It is 8pm,you have already had dinner,yet everything in the pantry and or refrigerator is screaming your name??I know, I have totally been there! In fact this used to be a daily occurrence for me,can you relate??This way of eating can lead to depression, obesity and diabetes, which is why it is sooo important to gain control around nighttime binge eating once and for all my friends!!!Most people think it is all emotional, emotions can definitely play a role in what we eat, but it is not the be all end all of why we binge…One word - HORMONES. There are top hormones that control our hunger levels throughout the day and can either leave us feeling satisfied or ready to binge on everything in the fridge. Understanding these hormones will save you from that morning “why did I eat that” feeling ( you know what I mean). Insulin- Insulin is produced in order to process glucose (sugar) in the body. When consuming simple carbohydrat