Maria Felipe's Show

[TRUTH TALK] We Are One - ACIM - Maria Felipe



You think there are different types of love. A love for this and a love for that. A way of loving one person and a way of loving another. I love my child more than my best friend. I love my husband more than the store clerk... Love is one. It has no degrees and it's not separate. It will be very helpful to begin to be open to the idea to love EVERYONE. Even Donald Trump! I am not saying you have to be buddy buddy with everyone or hangout with someone you don't feel to or allow someone to treat you bad. What I am saying is to let go of your judgments. When you do that then you begin to have a different outlook on the world and yourself.When you see oneness in the world that means you have decided to see it in yourself. You do this by recognizing that the only love there is the love of God. There is no difference in what you truly are and what the love of God is. We all have the internal spirit. The same love that is in God, is in you and in everyone. That love is the real deal!