Esther's Everyday Meditation

Ep 498 - Breathing into Sat Yam Kriya Meditation



Practice Sat Yam kriya as a breathing technique or as a kriya meditation technique. Includes guided instruction for all non-silent components. Listen to the recent "How to Practice" episode for context and a step by step walk through. BREATHING INTO SAT YAM KRIYAWhere breathing sometimes overwhelms my practice of Hum Sa kriya, I find the opposite to be true with Sat Yam kriya: breathing always leads me in to the kriya technique in an effortless way. But that's just me! Your experience may be different, similar, or not really even in the same ballpark!What’s in this episode?Before teaching Sat Yam kriya, I share my experience with breathing and Sat Yam kriya (in the How To episode) -- and what I mean by "being led by breathing." How can you use this practice?You might try this practice to bring attention to how your breathing does or doesn't play a role in your meditation practice (and if you tuned in last week, perhaps compare with your experience in Hum Sa kriya).I also love Sat Yam kriya for feeling connec