Life Is Rich With Nate Scott

EP 11: Life Is Rich with Nate Scott - Kevin L. Jefferson, Trader, Teacher, and Founder of



Hello this is Nate Scott, author of Life Is Rich: How To Create Lasting Wealth, and welcome to the Life Is Rich podcast. In today’s ‘Life Is Rich” podcast, I’m going to speak with Kevin L. Jefferson about how to build a financial fortress via Forex and about the #MillionDollarBluePrint. Kevin L. Jefferson is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. He served as a Field Artillery officer with rapid deployment units worldwide. He has been a financial professional for nearly 20 years, and he has created a trading course that has positioned several of my students to replace their six-figure work incomes and significantly reduce their work hours. He has helped several client-partners achieve over five & six-figure incomes in less than 12 months. Kevin has been the personal trader for celebrities and high net worth clients, helping them achieve significant value in their portfolios in short order. He has also helped a state government create a record $1.2 billion in addit